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TheĀ 117th Annual MeetingĀ of theĀ American Anthropological Association wasĀ held from November 14 – 18, 2018Ā in San Jose, California.
The theme of the meeting was:Ā “Change in the Anthropological Imagination:Ā Resistance, Resilience, and Adaptation.”
Below are the panels and events sponsored by the Association for Queer Anthropology (AQA).Ā Ā You can also check the AAA website for information about the 2018 conference.
Wednesday, November 14th, 2018
PANEL SERIES: Anthropological Engagements in Queer Theories
12:00pm Part I: Potentialities of Queerness (Hilton Market 1)
2:15pm Part II: Queering Theories, Theorizing Queerness (Hilton Market 1)
4:30pm Part III: Materializing Queerness (Hilton Market 1)
2:15pm Psychological Adaptation and Resilience in Ethnographies of Sexuality (San Jose Convention Center, LL 21 C)
4:30pm Decolonizing Queer Performance, Practice, Experience: Examples from Post-Socialism (San Jose Convention Center, LL 21 F)
Thursday, November 15th, 2018
12:15pm AQA Diversity Speed-Mentoring Workshop (Fairmont, Banquet Level, California)
For advanced graduate students (ABD) and early-career professionals; register with Casey James Miller: caseymiller@muhlenberg.edu. by September 15th
2:00pm Queer (Post)Memory and Archives (Marriott, San Jose Ballroom 1)
Co-sponsored with the Association for Feminist Anthropology
2:00pm Constructing the Digital Self: Social Media, Gender, and Sexuality in the Global South (Hilton, Almaden Ballroom I)
2:00pm The Cultural Politics of Obscenity: Sex, Censorship, and the Media (San Jose Convention Center, LL 21 A)
6:15pm Association for Queer Anthropology Business Meeting
(San Jose Convention Center, MR 212 C)
The Association for Queer Anthropology (AQA) welcomes everyone to this session to learn about the sectionās activities. We will present three awards: The Ruth Benedict Prize, The Kenneth W. Payne Student Prize, and (new this year) The Distinguished Achievement Award. Followed immediately by the reception in the same room.
8:15 pm Association for Queer Anthropology Reception
(San Jose Convention Center, MR 212 C)
Reception and cash bar open to all members of the Association for Queer Anthropology (AQA) and others interested in queer anthropology.
Friday, November 16th, 2018
8:00am Queer/ed Spaces; Anthropological Openings (San Jose Convention Center, LL 21 A)
10:15am Queer Asia: Ethnographies of Change in a Transnational World (San Jose Convention Center, Executive Ballroom 210 B)
Co-sponsored with the Society for East Asian Anthropology
8:00pm JOINT RECEPTION (AFA/AQA/NASA/ABA/AfAA/SUNTA/SANA/ALLA) (Fairmont, Regency Ballroom 2)
Saturday, November 17th, 2018
8:00am Rethinking Resilience and the Optics of Resistance (San Jose Convention Center,Ā Exhibition HallĀ 3)
10:15am INVITED: Unruly Desires: Latinx/Latin American Queer EthnographiesĀ (San Jose Convention Center, MR 212 A)
2:00pm Citizenship and Belonging at the Margins (San Jose Convention Center, Exhibition Hall 3, San Jose Ballroom 5)
No pre-registration required.
Preparing for the Job Market (Marriott, Blossom Hill III)
Career Strategies for Contingent Faculty (Marriott, Blossom Hill I)
From Associate Professor through Tenure and Beyond (Marriott, Blossom Hill II)
Sunday, November 18th, 2018
10:15-12:00 Sex and the City: Queer Urban Sociality (San Jose Convention Center, Exhibition Hall 3, San Jose Ballroom 1)