AQA Travel Grants

AQA typically offers travel to graduate students and non-tenure stream faculty to attend the annual AAA meeting.  In 2024, AQA is offering these fellowships as general and unqualified support for scholars and students in the United States to continue practicing queer anthropology. Click here to learn more!

About: AQA Travel Grants, announced in 2018, provide three grants per year of $350 each to be used for travel to the Annual AAA meetings. The awards are given to two current graduate students and one un/under-employed scholar (up to five years from receipt of PhD) whose work contributes to the advancement of queer anthropology.  Recipients are notified in advance of the meetings, and the award is also presented at the AQA business meeting during the annual AAA meeting.

Eligibility: This award is open to PhD students and recent graduates (within five years of PhD) whose work contributes to the advancement of queer anthropology in an expansive sense. Relevant scholarship includes research on lesbian, gay, and bisexual identities and expressions; trans*/transgender/transsexuality; queer and trans* theories; and other sexual/gender formations and categories, and their intersections with race, class, disability, nationality, colonialism, and globalization. Preference will be given to applicants who are seeking employment in the field of queer anthropology and/or participating in a panel or roundtable on queer anthropological research. Individuals must be members of the AAA and AQA to apply; preference will be given to applicants who show scholarly promise and personal commitment to AQA’s goals and activities.

Deadline for application: August 30, 2024.

Application Process: Individuals who apply will submit a letter of interest with the following sections:

1)  a) a concise one-page summary of the applicant’s scholarship (dissertation project and/or other substantive research project) and an explanation of its contribution to queer anthropology; b) an indication of the applicant’s status (graduate student or, if recent PhD, date of PhD); and c) a statement of the applicant’s planned role at the AAA meetings (seeking employment, participating on a panel,etc.).

2)  Optional: Applicants may also submit a copy of their AAA panel or paper abstract (when applicable).

Selection Committee: Proposals will be reviewed and selected by a committee made up of: the two current AQA Co-Chairs and the AQA Graduate Student Representative. This three-person committee will review all applications and determine the awards. The AQA Co-Chairs will be responsible for making the final recommendation to the Section Board for any awards to be given by the Section.