(Adopted in 2016)
I. Goals of the Organization
AQA pursues three principal goals.
- AQA serves the interests of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and other queer and allied anthropologists within the American Anthropological Association, connecting them with each other and with scholars in other fields.
- AQA promotes anthropological research and education on homosexuality, bisexuality, transgender/transsexuality, and other culturally-constructed categories of gender and sexuality identity and expression, as well as their intersectionality with issues such as race, class, disability, nationality, colonialism and globalization.
- AQA supports and encourages a diverse membership within the AAA and actively seeks to increase that diversity along lines of race, class, disability, nationality, gender, sexuality, and other forms of social difference.
II. Membership
Membership is open to all members of the American Anthropological Association who share in the interests of AQA.
- Members of AQA, in good standing, shall receive those publications which are appropriate to their membership class.
- Members shall receive notice of the annual Business Meeting.
- Each member who has already paid their AQA dues for the relevant period shall be eligible to vote on all matters brought before the annual Business Meeting or appearing on electronic ballot.
- Institutions may subscribe to the AQA publications at a rate set by the annual Business Meeting; however, such subscribers shall not be entitled to vote at annual meetings.
III. Officers
Insofar as possible, office holdings in AQA shall be consistent with the principle of gender equity. All reasonable efforts shall be made to obtain representation of people of color, transgender people, and other queer persons among the Officers of the Society.
- The Co-Chairs shall serve for two years, and then remain a third year on the Board, one of the Co-Chairs being elected in each year. They shall have overall responsibility for directing the internal affairs of the Association, for organizing activities in pursuit of its aims, and for dealing on behalf of the Association with officials of the American Anthropological Association. The Co-Chairs, acting with the Program Chairs, will have the responsibility for suggesting and organizing symposia to be presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Anthropological Association, or at any other professional gathering where an AQA symposium shall be judged appropriate by them. In case of a disagreement between Co-Chairs, a deadlock shall be broken by a vote of the full AQA Board.
- The officers of AQA shall consist of:
- Two Co-Chairs of differing gender identity;
- Communications Director;
- A Secretary;
- A Treasurer
The above Officers of the Society, except the Co-Chairs, shall be nominated by a nominations committee and elected by the membership to serve two year terms.
- The Communications Director shall be responsible for the production of the publications and other public communications of the Association, including the website, listserv, and social media. In this capacity, they may designate other individuals as “contributing associate editors” and/or assemble and oversee a committee charged with various communications and publicity functions.
- The Treasurer shall be responsible for maintaining accurate and current financial records of the Association and for preparing the annual financial report of the Society in consultation with the Co-Chairs, said report to be submitted by the Co-Chairs to the AAA.
- The Secretary shall be responsible for the taking and preparation of the minutes of each annual business meeting of the Association, said minutes to be disseminated to the AQA membership prior to the next annual business meeting. The Secretary shall also be responsible for any membership mailings the Association undertakes, for maintaining the publisher mailing list, and coordinating the publisher mailing announcing the annual Benedict Prize competition.
- Board of Directors. The above five Officers of the Society (two Co-Chairs, Communications Director, Treasurer, Secretary), the Benedict Prize Committee Chair, the Payne Prize Committee Chair, one former Co-Chair, two Program Committee Chairs, two Nominations Committee Chairs, and one Student Representative shall act as its Board of Directors, all thirteen Officers having an equal vote. The members of the Board shall be sought by the Nominations Committee, with final approval and responsibility for filling vacancies resting with the Co-Chairs. Between business meetings, the Co-Chairs shall consult with and advise the Board of Directors on all major matters and the majority vote of this body shall be binding. The Co-Chairs in consultation shall decide what matters should be referred to the Board. The quorum for Board meetings shall be five of the above members.
- Vacancies: Should any office of the Association become vacant, the Co-Chairs, working with the Nominations committee, shall appoint an interim Officer to fill the vacancy until the next annual business meeting.
IV. Committee Structure
- Committee Chairs shall be appointed by the Co-Chairs, in consultation with the Nominations Committee and outgoing Committee Chairs.
- The Benedict Prize Committee, which awards prizes for the best professional works on gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, or queer topics, is composed of a chair, two committee members, and a graduate student representative. The committee members and Chair are former Benedict Prize awardees. The Benedict Prize Chair recruits the graduate student representative and other members, in consultation with the Nominations Committee and Co-Chairs. The majority decision of the Awards Committee shall determine who shall receive each annual award.
- The Payne Prize Committee, which awards prizes for the best student works on gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, or queer topics, is composed of a Chair and several committee members. The Payne Prize Chair recruits committee members, in consultation with the Nominations Committee and Co-Chairs. Efforts should be made to recruit former Payne Prize awardees to the committee. The majority decision of the Awards Committee shall determine who shall receive each annual award. The amount of the prize each year is determined during the budget process and approved by the AQA Board of Directors prior to submission to AAA.
- The Program Committee Chairs shall, acting with the AQA Co-Chairs, organize the program and any symposia to be presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Anthropological Association, and at any other professional gathering where an AQA symposium shall be judged appropriate by them.
- The Nominations Committee Chairs shall recruit new members to serve on AQA Committees, as Officers, as Committee Chairs, and as AQA Co-Chairs, ensuring that the AQA Board is as diverse as possible and the membership is aware of opportunities to participate and join the Board.
- Archives: AQA archives, including all past newsletters, shall be housed at the ONE Institute-International Gay and Lesbian Archives at the University of Southern California. ONE-IGLA will make available these archives for duplication and will seek other documents for the collection.
- The Board shall have the power to create for special purposes such other ad hoc committees and chairs as it shall consider appropriate between business meetings
V. Business Meetings
- The annual business meeting of the Association shall occur in conjunction with the annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association.
- All major matters before the Association, except those mandated to an electronic ballot as provided for in section F below, shall be considered and voted upon at the annual meeting. A simple majority will constitute passage for any matter. The quorum for the annual business meetings shall be thirty members of the Society.
- The election of the Co-Chairs, Communications Director, Secretary, and Treasurer shall be by electronic ballot.
- The minutes of the annual business meeting shall be printed on the website or disseminated through the society e-mail list.
- Proposed changes in the dues structure of the Association shall be noticed in the Association e-mail list and voted on at an annual business meeting.
- Amendments to these By-Laws shall be voted upon by electronic ballot following publication and circulation of the proposed By-Laws in an e-mail to all members. A simple majority will constitute passage of any amendments.
- Should five members of the Board, a two-thirds majority of the members present at a business meeting, or petition by twenty members authorize it, any matter may be submitted to the full membership by electronic ballot. A simple majority voting on such a ballot shall indicate passage. Should the recall of an officer of AQA be called for, this action must be taken by electronic ballot.
The current bylaws were changed by vote in 2016; the former bylaws can be viewed here.