(Revised) Call for Contributions for Edited Book on LGBTI Refugees


We seek specific proposals for an edited book on LGBTI asylum seekers and refugees, which will be published by Springer. We have particular interest on the reasons behind LGBTI persons’ flight. The contributions shall investigate the motives that determine LGBTI persons to leave their countries of origin and seek sanctuary somewhere else, the actors of persecution and the situation of LGBTI rights. Relevance will also be given to the trajectories and the journeys of LGBTI refugees. To this extent, an intersectional approach will be deployed with a view to offer a comprehensive picture of how different factors besides sexual orientation/gender identity impact on the very initial stage of LGBTI asylum seekers’ journey.

We welcome proposals from diverse disciplines, including but not limited to law, political science and anthropology. Interdisciplinary perspectives and empirical research are particularly welcomed.

•       5th April 2017: submission of your Expression of Interest including a short abstract (200-250 words), a short list of references and a biography (150 words)
•       10th April 2017: feedback to proposers
•       Mid-June 2017: submission of full chapters (8000-10000 words)
•       Mid-August: editorial review and feedback to authors
•       Early September 2017: submission of final manuscripts

Contact for contributions and additional information to the editors:
•       Dr. Arzu Güler, arzuguler@adu.edu.tr
Department of International Relations, Adnan Menderes University, Turkey
•       Denise Venturi, PhD Candidate in International Law, d.venturi@sssup.it
Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Italy and KU Leuven, Belgium
•    Dr. Maryna Shevtsova, maryna.shevtsova@hu-berlin.de
CEDOS think-tank in Kiev, Ukraine

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